First I want to thank the author, Janine Caldwell, for providing me a copy of Rematch for an honest review. Second of all, I want to say WOW! That was one amazing read.I have to be honest, I was initially turned off by the title and cover. It just didn't make me want to read it. When I did start to read, I got sucked into the story and didn't think much more of the former. The book centers around a time traveling teen boy, his sister, and the girl he's met before in her past and fallen for in the present. The story really takes you for a turn during the last quarter of the book. You will not want to put it down.There is a uniqueness to the story that caught my attention. Time travel has been done before, on many levels, but this story was fresh, modern and enjoyable. There were times the story seemed to drag on a bit, when I thought that with all I had read that I should have been farther along than I was but it didn't draw out through the entire book. As a reader, there are answers to questions that were at the back of your mind. The end has given me another question though, who's at the door? When you read the book, you'll understand.I recommend this to all who enjoy paranormal, scifi, romance, YA, etc. I am looking forward reading the second book in the series, Double Fault.