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Word to Dreams

YA & NA Fiction At It's Best - Specializing in YA

Dark Seraphine: The Seraphine Trilogy (Volume 1)

Dark Seraphine - KaSonndra Leigh As I read the last word and closed this book, I felt a satisfied rush come over me. Once again, author KaSonndra Leigh has created a written masterpiece that sets her bars ahead of her peers. I’ve followed this author from her writing debut The Lost Immortals: When Copper Suns Fall to her next endeavor Hacienda Moon to Dark Seraphine and the boundaries most find themselves caged in, she busts right through. Ms. Leigh has the knowledge and intricacies to write in both female and male POV’s and of subjects so opposite of each other, that she does so without a trace of playing it safe and accomplishes such in a flourish that makes ones jaw drop in awe.In Dark Seraphine, we are introduced to Caleb. Beginning his senior year of high school, he just wants to enjoy his last year and get the heck out of dodge. In the midst of this, his parents throw a monkey wrench in his plans and talk of a big move. To make matters even more stressful to a hormonal teen, the hair flipping, gum snapping, sharp witted cheerleader of all our nightmares seems to have put her sights on him. Oh, and don’t forget about the spirits he sees but nobody else does that normally just roam but suddenly have taken a fancy to him, and let him know, verbally and by touch. How much more can a boy take? The answer…much more. Suddenly there are dark creatures invading his life, an angelic “spirit” who doesn’t have a true definition of what she is until further on, and a story that takes off like a rocket leaving all other stories in its path. Love, mystery, death, light, dark, the grey in-between, past, future, all wrapped into the first of a trilogy of The Seraphine. As one who isn’t a big fan of the male POV, I found this book entertaining. When I wasn’t reading it, I was wondering where the story was going to take me. I found myself hurrying to see what was going to happen next, stopping to laugh out loud at the clumsiness I remember of high school boys, and thinking to myself, KaSonndra has this boy spot on. I’ve read male POV’s that have seemed forced, or lacking, which in turn makes for a hard read. I didn’t have any problem with this and the story flowed a perfect melody of teen angst mixed with explosions of the unknown.I look forward to reading the next in the trilogy, along with all the future writing of the author. Plus I can't wait to see her next covers and book trailers. She has blessed us with amazing graphics on both accounts. This is an author to watch, she will be busting through the listings before you know it. Oh, KaSonndra, hurry with your next book, I need another on of your adventures to escape into!