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Rapture - Phillip W. Simpson I wasn't sure how I'd like this book. I go to church, understand my religions beliefs, question them daily (which I'm told by my pastor is a good thing), but normally I don't read anything Christian or religion based. The author, Phillip W. Simpson, asked for a Read 4 Review from the Goodreads group I am in, and since I already owned the book and had considered reading it numerous time prior, I thought this would be the perfect time to read it.For those that don't know what Rapture is about, the Rapture is believed by many to be when those that believe in God will be taken from the earth to heaven, starting the second coming of the Lord. Those who do not believe will be left on earth to suffer through the seven years of Tribulation. The story follows the life of a half-demon, Sam. The story itself goes back and forth in Sam's life, depending on what's happening at the time in the story. Raised by a believer, and a believer himself, he is left on earth during the Rapture due to his demon side. But he's known this for years and also knows that there is another reason for him being left behind. The antichrist is out there and needs to be dealt with. Through the story he finds acceptance he wouldn't have found prior to the Rapture but he also finds betrayal from those he thought he could depend on.I enjoyed the scriptures before each chapter. It gave you an idea of what was to come and a little more insight of what was happening. They really pieced in quite well. Oh, and you may be thinking, religious story, blah, not for me, but it's not an in your face believe or else, this is a work of fiction, and should be taken completely as that. No bible thumping here. This is a story for those that have an interest in demons and self conflict. And the demons, there are an assortment of them. The Lemures, which seems to be your basic work horse of Satan, the author had them dead on. As I first started reading and they appeared, I had an idea of what they looked like and when the author described them it was almost exactly what I was imagining.This story is full of action, self doubt, interaction, imagery, demonology, angelology, a touch of romance that fits perfectly, and is wrapped up in one very satisfying read. Rapture is the first book in the Rapture trilogy, with Tribulation being the next book than wrapping up in Apocalypse. You might be asking, why than only 4 stars? I felt there was too much put on the history of swords and that a betrayal can be realized by the reader long before it is acknowledged in the story and that Sam would have seen it coming to. Other than that, great story and I can't wait to read Tribulation and I recommend this book to everyone.