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Word to Dreams

YA & NA Fiction At It's Best - Specializing in YA

Witch Way Bends

Witch Way Bends - Olivia Hardin I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review, but had also got it free from Barnes and Noble.

In this book we have witches, vampires and the Org who sells children with magic in their blood to vampires to make them a stronger breed. Then there is also the sexual tension between the characters Devan and Kent. This seemed to be a story that I could really get in to.

Unfortunately, right from the beginning, this story seemed to sputter. There is a choppiness not only to the writing but also with the story itself. It just seemed to be a bit all over and the dots were hard to connect. Connections between characters and with the reader were lackluster and were missing the chemistry needed to make this a really good read.

The story does grab you though, even with the prior, and gives you a story that makes you hold on to your seat and keep on digging to see where it’s going to take you. And wait until you get to know Robbie, which will throw you off for a bit. So much going on in the story and thankfully this isn’t it; there are two other books that follow.

I recommend this to those who like a good supernatural mystery/thriller. You will find this book to your liking.