I would like to thank author David Estes for providing me with a complimentary copy of this boxed set in exchange for a review. Doing so does not sway my judgment in any way. Being a boxed set, I will add to my review as I read the different books in them.
[b:The Moon Dwellers|13931214|The Moon Dwellers (The Dwellers, #1)|David Estes|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1339737488s/13931214.jpg|19566155] by [a:David Estes|3167424|David Estes|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1359857929p2/3167424.jpg]:
This story centers around a future earth, where the population now lives underground in the realms. There are 3 realms, star(lowest), moon(middle) and sun(highest). The government has gone from the elected officers to basically a monarchy, but with a whole lot of selfishness thrown in. The main characters are Adele, a moon dweller, and Tristan, a sun dweller and son of the president. They originally don't really meet, but catch each others attention from afar. This story is about the oppression of the dwellers, the love and disdain of family, friendships, attraction, hope and faith.
The author, David Estes, has forged his name into writers to be watched and read. An indie author with several books to his name and several more to come, he is right in line with those you find on the best sellers list. Hailing from Pittsburgh, PA, having lived in Australia, travelled around the world and currently living on the islands of Hawaii, his experiences in the different cultures in life come through in his writing.
Why only 4 stars? Even though I loved this story, and can't wait for the second in the series, I found the ending a bit rushed, just a little too cleaned up too quickly. Yes, there are a lot of unanswered questions, which there should be since it's part of a series, but I felt that the ending could have been drawn out another chapter or two.
Why should you read this? The answer is because it's a darn good book, action packed, quirky good in many places, and not only makes you root for the characters but puts you into the story. You will find yourself laughing with them, feeling sad with them, etc.
This book is the first in a series, what's interesting about this is that there is another series, the Country Saga, that the author has written. Book Four, which is the same book for both of these series, brings the characters of the two together.